Fraternity Lineage

Spring 2019
#1 MasterMind

Summer 2019
#2 inTrospekTion

B.L.U.E.S. Brothas
Summer 2021
#2 sincErE
For me being part of BETA is bigger than each one of us individually, but all of us together form something unexplainable. From lending a helping hand in our communities to trying to make a difference in the world there’s nowhere else I’d rather be while doing these things. To find somewhere I was accepted for me and they had the same vision as I did is amazing and I wouldn’t want to call anyone else my BROTHAS.

Fall 2022
#1 High InTEnsiTy
I joined Beta Alpha Delta Fraternity, Inc. because of the good Brothas I have gained. They became family I never new of. Before Beta, I couldn't or really didn't know how to talk to anyone. I felt like no one would understand how I felt or what I was going through. With Beta, I have a new found supportive family I can depend on being there for a lifetime, as well as they can count on me. No Brotha Left Behind.

Fall 2022
#2 REsurgEncE
I re-joined Beta because I feel like this is where I’m supposed to be. Being apart of a organization where you are more than just friends but bonded by love and Brothhood. Beta is home for me and to see what it had flourished into over the years makes me proud to be a Beta Boi.

Fall 2022
#3 EndurAncE
For me the reason I joined Beta was to find a brotherhood. As corny as it sounds for me true brotherhood is everything, the way I grew up I’m surprised I’m still here. Now that I’m older I just needed something different because in the words of Drake, "I left my twenties and still wanted to party to hang with bad influences or people I knew meant me no good. The street life was the way I was raised but I wanted something more and with Beta I’ve found my chosen family. Brothas I know only got my BEST INTEREST IN MIND AND HEART. I wouldn’t change anything in my life, but I promise this is going to be the best chapter in my life. I wouldn’t want to call anyone else my Brothas I love y’all like my mother had y’all.

Kwiet Kreation
Summer 2023
#3 KonCise
I joined BETA because I was lost and was in need of people who care and love me. Joining BETA has helped me find my faith my L.I.G.H.T. I can say now with my head up that I am the master of my faith and the captain of my soul. BETA made me feel welcomed loved and cared for.
Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron,
 so one person sharpens another.

Kwiet Kreation
Summer 2023
#5 KonCious
I joined Beta because I was looking for a group of people that I could call family. A group that's very supportive of one another. A group that's all striving for growth and greatness. Beta has helped me discover a me that I didn’t know existed and has pushed me to become and even better version of me.

The New Era
Fall 2024
#1 NdesTruckdible
I joined Beta Alpha Delta Fraternity Inc. Because I was looking for a Real BrothaHood and that’s exactly what I have gain with my Brothas.Beta also seen my L.I.G.H.T in the Mist of my Darkness . They pushed me when I wanted to give up.they always had an encouraging word for me when they seen I was in my own head. They help me not to be so Nervous when speaking in front of people. They are the family that’s I needed.I am proud to be a Beta Boi!!